• Sustainability

Sustainability one piece at a time – carbon-neutral together

1 m2 rainforest offsets approx. 100 kg CO2 every year

Crying “Save the rainforest!” might be a bit old hat. But that doesn’t stop rainforests being the lungs of the earth. The tree population has been decreasing ever since humans started using wood as a raw material.

With our new product, you’re working with us to help save the rainforest in western Canada. It works like this: in Wilderness International, we’ve found a trusted partner whose goal it is to preserve unique wilderness areas for future generations.

128 m² of Western Canada’s temperate rainforest sequesters around 13 tonnes of CO2. This is about the same, on average, as the annual consumption of a European citizen. And that’s why retaining this complex ecosystem is so important. We want to make a contribution towards this as a company.


In 2019, we offset the carbon footprint of our Freund GmbH Berlin office, so our work in the Goerzwerk Berlin is carbon neutral for 2019.

But there’s still plenty more to do. By 2030, we want all our manufactory production to be carbon neutral.

Join us in this vital mission!
By purchasing 1 m2 of our Greenhill Moss Puzzle, you’re joining us in protecting 1 mof rainforest. For projects of 10 m2 or more, we’ll issue you with a certificate showing the coordinates of the protected area. Please get in touch with us if you’d like to know exactly how this works.

Please see www.wilderness-international.org for more information about the vital work of this Berlin- and Dresden based organisation.

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Get in touch for your enquiry!

Do you have one or more specific materials that you’d like to use in your next project or that you’d like to introduce to your client? We’re delighted you’ve been inspired by our products. We look forward to being able to advise you on options for your own tailored product, ideally with specific measurements or dimensioned design sketches.